I've been a huge fan of Kick-Ass. I was literally waiting for the 2nd part to come out. Ordinary people dressing up to fight crime never felt so charming and funny. Same pattern follows in the 2nd part too. But with a bit more violence and More 'R' rated stuff. The film has more comedy than in the first part. And more entertaining. Although the important thing missing was the story. But I like the way it has been presented. With more dramatic scenes, bit more violence, more R rated jokes etc. The perfect sequel for a vigilante filled comic book film. But I must admit that I was walking into this film with less expectations after hearing the initial reviews. I wasn't expecting a perfect sequel by any stretch of the imagination. But after the first half hour I realized what's so wrong with this movie that people hated about !!? I just didn't realize half hour has passed away. It was such interesting. I even thought this might be better than 1st part in many aspects. Still I believe after watched the whole movie, Kick-Ass 2 has fare share of upper hand over its prequel in Comedy, Acting and Fight scenes.
The one thing that is so much improved than in the first part was the acting. I can't believe how much Aaron Taylor has improved. Mind you, he still can improve in many aspects. Like in the prequel, there is no stopping the Hit-Girl. The character got more developed, mixing up with high school
stuff,friends etc. The main villain character was presented in an expectedly funny way. Red mist was the main central villain who tries to buy his way pass Kick-Ass.

Jeff Waldow wrote and directed the film. It was pretty awesome coming from a director who is not being part of the 1st one. He managed to create a whole new environment for the movie. I liked how Wadlow balanced the emotional/dark side of the story and the comedy of the story. He just made it more entertaining movie. The stunt scenes were as same as in the prequel with no extra addictions or anything.
Full marks to him.
Story, the only weak point in the otherwise entertaining movie. I think they could have developed the story a bit here and there, by adding some exciting turn of events. The climax was a sort of straight fight between good and bad guys which was easily predictable. Also it is a little shorter in duration than the 1st one, hey maybe there is no point stretching the movie with adding something unncecessay. And the biggest disappointment was the character given to Jim Carrey. They could have given his character some boost, but that was not the case here.

Performance wise, Chloƫ Grace Moretz scores big time as Hit-Girl. She was the show stealer again here. We get to know more about her life here. Her highschool surroundings, difficulties in adjusting to day to day life as not being a superhero. In stunt scenes, she was even more brilliant than in the prequel. Just awesome. They should seriously think of making a franchise for this character.
Christopher mint is another character got developed massively. We get to know him better as he tries to kill kick-ass in the form of money. Sometimes he was really good and at times overacts a bit. Still overall a solid performance indeed.
Overall, Kick-Ass can be termed as a perfect sequel and can be watched along with friends. It has everything I've wanted in a sequel. I highly suggest you see Kick-Ass 2, a brilliant, Action-packed and truly hilarious sequel that lives up to the first film. But one cannot let the kids-families watch this, because there is too much of violence in it. If you don't like the prequel don't waste your time watching this. Not your cup of tee.
And make sure you stay after the credits. There is a surprise waiting for you.
A near perfect sequel.
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